Happy Holidays From The Massachusetts Government!


Massachusetts employees are receiving the gift of extra money this holiday season! We know what you’re thinking, “What’s the catch?” But this gift comes with no strings attached. If it hasn’t already hit your account, then in the upcoming weeks, you may be receiving a Massachusetts Tax Refund check. 

These checks started going out the first week in November, so if a strange check from the government showed up in your mailbox and you thought it was a joke, take it out of your shredder pile and cash it. This money is coming out of the 2.941 billion dollars of excess revenue, all thanks to a 1986 law that was passed allowing for tax rebates when the state budget grows so large it begins to overflow. 

Nearly 3 million taxpayers can expect to receive a check for about 14% of what they paid in income taxes in 2021. These checks will be mailed out through December 15, so if you haven’t yet received your money, don’t fret! It’s likely on the way to your mailbox. You may also want to check whichever account your tax refunds usually go to if you are enrolled in direct deposit. 

If you have not yet filed your 2021 return, you are still eligible for this check if you file by September 15, 2023, and if you are eligible for a refund, you should receive it approximately one month after you file.

If you would like to see how much you should be receiving in your check, Massachusetts set up an estimator tool. It is also important to note that your credits may be reduced due to refund intercepts, including unpaid tax liability, unpaid child support, and certain other debts.


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